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发表于 2017-11-26 14:05:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" R) r; ~2 b/ K  N0 d试卷总分:100    得分:1006 g' L# o& l+ X* t3 T$ t  L3 @' M
第1,【单项选择题】_________, except those with mental or physical impairments, are better or worse first language acquirers.  l1 X3 q" G$ S2 ^5 P6 l
A.Many men  ?; n8 x0 m6 W& |, \& r5 y  P
B.Some men; K( \! G9 i/ U; z
C.No men* }: ?4 J) j+ d4 t+ J
D.Few men
6 O7 p  u' _& ], j( S正确资料:. ~2 ?+ R6 |# G3 F1 s# f- l

. n" ?4 ~, m/ y4 _: i! m  O
, s* r/ q+ d+ d* |2 w2 M# }第2题,【单项选择题】_________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.
) b# k3 c! m5 TA.Reference; J# ]4 F  z4 T* z
: r7 O* X9 \. D% h4 fC.Semantics% F* w# I% ?3 v' |2 a
D.Sense8 C, }  F# O( Q8 I
/ w) G2 _% M: P; ~
! @; r, t. M2 d  e' E: N7 ]3 w( z
1 V; V: d& Z$ w" `. T/ r第3题,【单项选择题】A historical study of language is a ____ study of language.6 _$ l3 r6 v9 o; m: A
# v" S0 y, U' h, A$ A2 d; oB.diachronic
" F, O) {9 F2 b  N) T5 J6 l) XC.prescriptive3 |9 ~3 F" U# L& u$ H/ I1 f% ?5 t
# h6 X" q: k) O$ }) ]$ `正确资料:5 H- X& z+ `6 l( Z, H( R9 f+ H& E
) r1 h0 O' K7 G# I; R3 S
4 J9 Q' J  S- p
第4题,【单项选择题】What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning _________  is considered.
! ?0 _2 M' b  U- K. \4 C5 g) \0 z, LA.reference
' W; [! F3 v, O8 S4 m5 e. |& VB.speech act/ k, v. o9 }2 Y9 M* V
C.grammar1 O$ a6 ^9 F$ v
- {; C$ Y. h+ _: V正确资料:! v- g5 p" c3 e6 J

2 k* M0 h/ q3 T  X! {4 s8 X4 X0 t3 s6 i) E: y
第5题,【单项选择题】Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?
5 M7 \2 c3 ]( J* MA.Arbitrariness
3 E# H6 M3 W7 }8 I9 c3 T; L# t" J3 ^B.Displacement" j- W# v2 q  G0 A
C.Duality  {  H$ l! ^) [
D.Meaningfulness9 t1 _" O! y& @# l5 K
正确资料:6 A% O* o. M  r* q& f6 A

$ [, t2 h5 y, i% |4 D* D! p2 z- v9 W( |3 x; d! n0 c
第6题,【单项选择题】The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds.
0 U2 f7 c7 V: \+ mA.voiceless  }7 P1 z* m0 n  _. b1 B9 x
: w/ U9 b0 n* ?, s% mC.vowel
  Y, X# _) s# K' K1 XD.consonantal1 @7 E1 `9 j, t7 ]# H8 r
正确资料:7 Y6 @1 x/ s6 X3 V: y

  \& A. G: H( h: d$ I
  e  T/ m8 b; a" G, B第7题,【单项选择题】__________ is advanced by Paul Grice.0 E2 u6 ]: Y/ Q8 }
A.Cooperative Principle
$ Y. u1 w* S/ o6 QB.Politeness Principle& O% ~: o/ [$ M. g9 o
C.The General Principle of Universal Grammar
' A$ u: o4 W: s+ t( q- ^, |' zD.Speech Act Theory+ W$ S0 H9 G# t5 U; _) _( o
正确资料:( |7 T  f5 D% o9 d
2 i8 v1 G! A, }. Y+ m0 A
3 K' J4 ~$ d% _! p" r
第8题,【单项选择题】___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.! V, H4 ^  T" p2 c4 n0 r6 m. Y9 R
A.Polysemy# W5 x; Q8 t8 }9 M- j; R
8 `# P2 x. A! }* S& j) e& h: c  dC.Homonymy- c! ?/ Z, J! F+ R8 f/ s
D.Hyponymy+ y" V% Q: L& X
正确资料:: x; K+ C$ S, G2 ^% X, g
" a& w4 W. U6 j  |$ ?# v0 B3 \

/ Z0 Y, T7 y( _) n& z) E" r# s+ v第9题,【单项选择题】_________ does not study meaning in isolation, but in context.
" z& |, j; w+ l/ Q, B8 m/ E0 E+ ?7 EA.Pragmatics
. Q- c7 n4 q3 p  lB.Semantics
5 r# D' ?- n# w, C% hC.Sense relation7 b& T; X; W5 H' e/ M
* s7 R; [# E5 N正确资料:/ a7 u, p; X% W1 L8 J, \. k, s, u

2 O' i9 |7 g4 K+ ~9 |# u: w9 `( C" \' o' z, ^: U) i+ B: n
第10题,【单项选择题】The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the ____ of that phoneme.6 v; c, C0 d7 e& [( F
A.phones, K2 ?8 r  a; _& Z; K6 o; k
B.sounds, f0 t0 V# S$ Q8 b! ~: {& z/ a
C.phonemes% p3 X+ b0 d4 D$ m, i
+ O/ m4 v0 m- j( V% b正确资料:
' `1 i1 ]; d1 K; S7 K2 V# B0 D# Z( R% ^% Q
5 v6 A+ k$ a' L& X: N3 ]
第11题,【单项选择题】According to F. de Saussure, ____ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.! ^' R$ {% N+ O4 M- ~
4 F: T! S- q# P: DB.performance8 X! M: x+ h* w0 y& T$ [- [9 u
C.langue5 `' {( P8 M" u
$ R8 n6 T' k" [5 [正确资料:
" p1 R& w! ^9 W$ N  a0 P+ a" L! Y+ P5 j: l$ Q; d

+ E2 H9 ]6 h5 b9 {0 K; y第12题,【单项选择题】“-s” in the word “books” is  _______.# f$ p, _# V/ G  l: D0 A: [) T
A.a derivative affix
4 i% l6 C& z* |( @' K2 e( \B.a stem  ^/ F. U9 D8 R$ g: Y
C.an inflectional affix' w# ?* F" e# j' |
D.a root3 S. J) I: E* X; n# n$ T
正确资料:, r0 N. Y3 B6 }# k
) y+ {) \/ A* h; ]; V: \, ~

; N- o; k8 ?0 b第13题,【单项选择题】_________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.
% p5 J( q( m9 a) v5 Y2 mA.Syntax' H# F5 |, ^" t3 L& \! _
B.Grammar7 u( h. n0 |+ b1 i4 q% J8 \' s
C.Morphology- l8 y5 ?1 j$ b- z8 b4 M, r' s
2 H: l! o3 B" w7 N  E正确资料:
5 D. r* Q$ h  |+ D# D+ }) h
* T# G2 v, O$ E! H
1 D* D& S5 [* C9 G2 G# W) g. w- i第14题,【单项选择题】The development of linguistic skills involves the acquisition of ____ rules rather than the mere memorization of words and sentences.4 L, H% j6 t$ J. W2 t, D( `
A.cultural, F% V+ x  R: l5 z" s) g6 `; _
3 m! Z* N8 L. RC.behaviour8 i' U" q7 R8 N
D.pragmatic/ f  _; }. @: h7 H& l% d! ~5 a- L
4 l! C4 M! P4 F1 v
  y3 P9 n) i( e3 j; Q5 t, g+ h0 N2 B& h5 s! T! E' k/ T
第15题,【单项选择题】“Toms bike is red” _______ "Tom has a bike".
; N/ e& p, k9 n$ RA.entails& a; s3 P, D* ^0 E3 h5 U$ e
B.is synonymous with
. G8 P$ r3 w  `+ ^9 @C.is inconsistent with8 A8 E9 \- Z. x% X
2 D2 T- Z3 R/ u正确资料:! |5 D1 @5 ]) a# @3 C

$ R! T, G% c% `  E: _! E0 t  i
/ Z! l- B1 b' x/ N第16题,【单项选择题】In first language acquisition, explicit teaching of correct forms to young children plays ___ at best.3 Z. D( n- E9 P8 A" n1 ?6 s
A.a minor role  x# ^# `! h! b5 e
B.a significant role. `: F8 c1 y& F) x8 n* ^
C.a basic role
0 }( F2 [: a" ~8 {6 a( G3 t) bD.no role3 K% k% a! M4 q5 Z5 {
! Z' @# j- G1 b
2 q- I( t1 Z8 s4 O4 a4 U; I5 x2 h! R- E$ w* K1 D+ v
第17题,【单项选择题】_____ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists.
. k& e0 s/ h6 R6 TA.Words. `2 m8 i% K9 b9 O
% `8 S+ D, Q  eC.Phonemes
, h! r/ _2 L$ p- lD.Sentences
- Z4 D/ L6 l: w7 e" x1 z4 T% h2 M6 Q! h正确资料:* J. n2 a$ }  S: c/ k

0 O4 |9 p: Q& j; r! o# Q
0 r: R% M1 i; m8 @第18题,【单项选择题】Bound morphemes are those that ____.
- i6 T) c, C( x! l& n, p- j, oA.have to be used independently
5 w, L" d: Y$ A% N1 lB.can not be combined with other morphemes
0 B9 Q( ^' b6 x) MC.can stand as words on their own" B5 ?  d" J% y8 e5 @" P5 C
D.have to be combined with other morphemes
$ G6 Z& N& l, V; D+ k% T正确资料:
0 o- h/ M. `# l) j+ h4 ?% W, D3 f  O( S  |* }+ b2 ]
" e3 W  T9 I1 q; v
第19题,【单项选择题】The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _____.* i/ G# L. B% o+ ~, Z$ ~) v1 c, x# G
& ~! k5 ?* j9 ^% g4 l! E9 [B.morphemic# X+ \# U9 m, T* r: I+ w4 P, x2 I7 [
$ P$ F0 t" p  d5 q" VD.semantic2 \3 p' C2 `$ H! r0 ]( @
正确资料:- E  B% J1 ?3 ~* I; A0 r$ a
# N1 [$ |! @7 G/ g6 |4 A* k

. g* v2 U* ^; S第20题,【单项选择题】A ____ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintaining the highest position.1 Q7 Q) E7 h! p5 |# d4 p
A.back/ h! x& b7 J! ~# q0 X' Z
B.central8 P! q4 P+ ~3 `% a1 M) J% M
C.front! S  u) R+ d( z; W8 i; ?! a% R- P
7 W  \# F8 x; K& C正确资料:" r( W8 R8 P1 @* B, F. p
8 X8 V4 p+ k  k! d* V! H


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