(单选题) 1: The most powerful institution of the EU is___.
A: the Council of Ministers
B: the president
C: the House of Lords
D: the House of Commons
(单选题) 2: In response to an enquiry, the exporter makes to provide necessary information required by the enquiry.
A: an offer
B: a firm offer
C: a counter-off
D: a quotation
(单选题) 3: If a credit cannot be amended or revoked without the consent of all the parties concerned, it is a(n) .
A: revocable credit
B: irreocable credit
C: confirmed credit
D: unconfirmed credit
(单选题) 4: is usually used to move goods of low-value, and in large quantity.
A: Rail transportation
B: Pipeline transportation
C: Water transportation
D: Air transportation
(单选题) 5: In international investment, the foreign country where the investor operates is called .
A: the home country
B: the host country
C: the investing country
D: the capital country
(单选题) 6: So far as___interest is concerned, D/P at sight is more favorable than D/P after sight, and D/P is more favorable than D/A.
A: the exporter's
B: the importer's
C: the consumer's
D: the government's
(单选题) 7: The new international economic order would give more consideration to the interests of .
A: the developed countries
B: the less-developed countries
C: the WTO
D: the United Nations
(单选题) 8: The general function of___ is to formulate, negotiate and implement measures to improve the development process.
(单选题) 9: In the different forms of regional economic integration,( ) adopts the same trade policy for all the members towards countries outside the organization.
A: Free Trade Area
B: Customs Union
C: Common Market
D: the economic union
(单选题) 10: ___member states of the United Nations and of its specialized agencies are members of the Conference.
A: Some
B: Two-thirds
C: One-third
D: All
(单选题) 11: If there is no specific indication whether a credit is revocalbe or irrevocable, it should be regarded as .
A: revocable credit
B: irreocable credit
C: either A or B
D: both A and B
(单选题) 12: ___ was formed as a conduit for multilateral negotiations on a variety of international trade issues.
(单选题) 13: The transnational corporation is____in an interdependent network of affiliates.
A: centralized
B: decentralized
C: integrated
D: instrumental
(单选题) 14: In assessing the potential of a country as a market, people often look at ___
A: per capita income
(单选题) 15: If a credit is confirmed by a bank other than the issuing bank, it becomes a ___ credit.
A: confirmed
B: documentary
C: clean
D: usance
(判断题) 1: A revocable credit, also referred to as term credit or time credit, is one by which payment cannot be made until a specific date or a specific time after date or after sight.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 2: The International Development Association provide assisstance primarily in the developed countries.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 3: A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 4: International specialization constitutes an important basis for international trade.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 5: Transportation insurance doesn't conform to certain basic principles.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 6: When it is ecnomically advantageous, complete specialization may occur.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 7: Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong joined APEC as territory economies.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 8: A sight draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 9: Such loans with good repayment prospects are called "hard loans".
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题) 10: The bill of lading serves as a cargo receipt signed by the carrier and issued to the shipper or consignor.
A: 错误
B: 正确