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发表于 2018-5-15 07:47:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选) 1: A large part of human activity, particulaly in relation to the enviornment, is ___ conditions or events.
A: in response to
B: in favor of
C: in contrast to
D: in excess of

(单选题) 2: He considered it his good ___ to have won her love.
A: prospect
B: fortune
C: opportunity
D: chance

(单选题) 3: My 5-year-old daughter is really ___, she can remember everything taught to her.
A: active
B: intelligent
C: lively
D: intellectual.

(单选题) 4: A good teacher must know how to ___ his ideas.
A: convey
B: consult
C: display
D: confront

(单选题) 5: There is little chance that mankind would ___ a nuclear war.
A: retain
B: edure
C: survive
D: maintain

(单选题) 6: She ___ the child for being late to school.
A: scolded
B: blamed
C: accused
D: criticized

(单选题) 7: Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother ___ some money from their mother's purse.
to steal
to stealing
into steal
into stealing

(单选题) 8: My driving was suspended for ___ a red light.
A: ignoring
B: neglecting
C: overlooking
D: disregarding

(单选题) 9: I move that he ___ discharged for his serious mistake.
A: be
B: is to be
C: will
D: being

(单选题) 10: In Britain today women ___ 44% of the workforce and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.
A: build up
B: make up
C: stand for
D: conform to

(单选题) 11: We had met on a ___ occasion.
A: before
B: present
C: previous
D: pretentious

(单选题) 12: The two boys had so ___ in common that they soon became good friends.
A: little
B: few
C: much
D: many

(单选题) 13: After a long walk on a hot day, one often feels ___.
A: exhaustive
B: exhausting
C: exhaust
D: exhausted

(单选题) 14: Unfortunately, very few sheep ___ the severe winter last year.
A: survived
B: endured
C: spent
D: remained alive

(单选题) 15: I can't get (A) my cat started (B) now. Something (C) must have gone wrongly (D) with the engine.(选择有误的一项)
A: get
B: started
C: Something
D: gone wrongly

(单选题) 16: Dr. Nolen was honest enough (A) to admit to make (B) errors in (C) judging on (D) more than one occasion.(选择有错误的一项)
A: honest enough
B: to make
C: in
D: on

(单选题) 17: Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its ___.
A: instance
B: character
C: items
D: details

(单选题) 18: As you have seen, the value of nation's currency is a ___ of its economy.
A: reaction
B: response
C: reflection
D: revelation

(单选题) 19: There was once an ___ idea that the earth was flat and motionless.
A: absurd
B: intrinsic
C: eternal
D: offensive

(单选题) 20: Man must stop ___ the earth's atmosphere.
A: polluting
B: filling
C: emitting
D: wasting

(单选题) 21: Tom ___ to review his lessons before exams.
A: went out his way
B: went out of his way
C: went of his way
D: went out of a way

(单选题) 22: When presented with the first price, she ___ with delight.
A: beamed
B: laughed
C: cried
D: smiled

(单选题) 23: Here are some toys. You can ___ one or two for you little son as a gift from me.
A: single out
B: pick out
C: take out
D: work out

(单选题) 24: In Australia the Asians make their influnce ___ in business large and small.
A: feeling
B: feel
C: felt
D: to be felt

(单选题) 25: As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to ___.
A: exploit
B: expose
C: explore
D: scan


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