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发表于 2018-5-15 12:34:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选) 1: What did Scarlett see when she came back from Atlanta except?
A: house in ruin
B: the food gone
C: her father dead
D: the slaves run off

(单选题) 2: What was the name of Ike's ex-wife?
A: Nellie
B: Sally
C: Kelly
D: Ellie

(单选题) 3: What is the name of the tavern where Maggie's father gets drunk?
A: The Cold Feet Inn And Tavern
B: Greenwood , Hale's Inn And Tavern
C: Maggie's Rejected Grooms Inn And Tavern
D: Hale's Last Stop Inn And Tavern

(单选题) 4: What is the dance that Maria and the Captain perform called?
A: The Leider
B: The Laendler
C: The Londle
D: The Leindes

(单选题) 5: Which country controlled Austria?
A: Germany
B: Holland
C: France
D: Switzerland

(单选题) 6: What is Captain von Trapp's first name?
A: Ralph
B: Herbert
C: Max
D: Georg

(单选题) 7: How many times was Red being rejected in the film?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
D: 5

(单选题) 8: What magic did Oda have?
A: she could see the dead man
B: she could hear the dead man
C: She caould touch the dead man
D: she could hit the dead man

(单选题) 9: Who is Annie's baby is named after?
A: her brother
B: her father
C: her grandfather
D: her uncle

(单选题) 10: When Andy tells Red about Randall Stevens, the fictional man with the bank accounts in case of an IRS audit, Red likens Andy to an artist. Which artist does he describe Andy as?
A: Picasso
B: Van Gogh
C: Monet
D: Rembrandt

(单选题) 11: Andy began sending weekly letters to attempt to increase the funding of the prison's library. How long did it take until he got a response?
A: Five years
B: Six years
C: Ten years
D: He never got a response

(单选题) 12: How often did Andy write a letter to the senate?
A: once a week
B: twice a week
C: once two week
D: once a day

(单选题) 13: Where did Scarlett go last?
A: Atlanta
B: Twelve Oaks
C: Tara
D: Old Guard

(单选题) 14: When a prisoner breaks down crying at Heywood's prompting on Andy's first night, which of the following phrases does he NOT say in his defense?
A: I want my mother
B: I'm not supposed to be here
C: I didn't do anything wrong
D: I want to go home

(判断题) 1: Sam and Molly have married.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 2: Judith and her horse were killed in an accident.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 3: Scarlett was terribly sad when she heard the death of her first husband.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 4: As a ghost, Sam can move things.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 5: Maggir is a catholic.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 6: Von Trapp agreed to cooperate with Germany navy.
A: 错误
B: 正确


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