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发表于 2018-5-15 12:34:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(单选) 1: Where did Jane and Rochester meet?
A: on the bus
B: at home
C: on a muddy road
D: in a church

(单选题) 2: What was the name of the servant in Mr. Rochester's house that Jane believed to be possessed?
A: Mrs. Fairfax
B: Miss Abbott
C: Bessie
D: Mrs. Poole

(单选题) 3: What was the name of the other prison that we see Andy doing the guards' tax returns for?
A: Sing Sing
B: Thomaston
C: Hornsby
D: San Quentin

(单选题) 4: Did Scarlett really love Ashley?
A: yes
B: no
C: no clear
D: I don't know

(单选题) 5: Who first figures out that Jane is the cousin to the Rivers family?
A: Mary
B: Hannah
C: St. John
D: Diana

(单选题) 6: Where did Scarlett live at the very beginning?
A: Atlanta
B: Twelve Oaks
C: Tara
D: Old Guard

(单选题) 7: After Brooks is released after 50 years in Shawshank, he tries to get along on the outside but finds he can't. In one of the most emotional moments in the movie he hangs himself in his room after carving a few words into the wall. What did Brooks carve in
A: Brooks was here
B: I love here
C: I am brooks
D: I am free

(单选题) 8: What kind of drink did Joe order for himself when invited the princess?
A: orange juice
B: cold coffee
C: hot coffee
D: champagne

(单选题) 9: Why did they call Red " Red"?
A: Because he comes from Red
B: Because it is his nickname
C: Because his skin is red, he is an Irish
D: Because the cigar he smokes is Red.

(单选题) 10: What colors were in the dress that Scarlett wore to the barbeque?
A: Red and Yellow
B: Only Purple
C: Pink, White and Blue
D: Green and White

(单选题) 11: According to the movie, what two instruments can Ike play?
A: Trumpet and Drums
B: Guitar and Piano
C: Drums and Saxophone
D: Trumpet and Saxophone

(单选题) 12: What did Joe do?
A: banker
B: reporter
C: doctor
D: writer

(单选题) 13: What was Andy's job?
A: Banker
B: reporter
C: lawyer
D: clerk

(单选题) 14: Andy began sending weekly letters to attempt to increase the funding of the prison's library. How long did it take until he got a response?
A: Five years
B: Six years
C: Ten years
D: He never got a response

(判断题) 1: Judith and her horse were killed in an accident.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 2: When Jane arrived at the door of Marsh End, her cousins turn her away.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 3: Maria became the children's mother at last.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 4: Sam always says " I love you" before he died.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 5: The vet suggested killing the sick horse.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题) 6: Sam's death is an accident.
A: 错误
B: 正确


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